Game Day Cocktail Recipes

So, just like that, fall is approaching. As the “summer that never was” starts to wind down, that means football season is right around the corner... Crazy, right? We’re already this far into 2020? For me, at least, the Super Bowl feels like yesterday. But alas, here we are, only days away from the Patriots opener vs. Miami. That leads us to ask, can the new look Patriots withstand the start of a new era? Will the young hotshots like Mahomes and Jackson continue the blazing starts to their career? Stidham or Newton? What other tricks does Bill Belichick have up his sleeve? On any given Sunday, everything is possible. From Brady leaving, to empty stadiums, and even an expanded playoff, it’s safe to say that nothing about this season will be normal. The coronavirus pandemic has left a huge mark on the NFL and yet the organization is still committed to supporting and providing all efforts to have a positive impact. With that being the case, you can always rely on Vinn...