Keep Your Liquor Close and Your Family Closer

As the holidays approach us rather quickly, so does the holiday gatherings. While holiday parties mean celebrating with friends and family, great food, and good conversation, they also mean booze. What better way to celebrate the holidays than toasting with a glass of wine in celebration of getting through another year and to a new year. After all, a party isn't really poppin' until someone pops a bottle of champagne. Below are the 5 essentials to a happy holiday gathering: Friends and Family You know that saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" Well, here we say "Keep your liquor close and your family closer." That's truly the most important thing. There's nothing better than celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years with your closest friends and family. Some may roll their eyes at the thought of spending a whole weekend with family. While others long for the warm fuzzy feeling being with family gives them. Whether it ...